Saturday, October 9, 2010

TamaTown Toys

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TamaTown Toys

TamaTown toys are two main parts, the virtual Pet is Tama and Gotchi who are familiar TamaTown. Tamagotchi Tama-Go TamaTown renamed.

Tama's Go

The new, improved and Ready-To-Play Virtual Pet
The Tama-Go is a colorful, egg-shaped game that provides hours of portable entertainment, interactive. This revised and improved version is bigger, making it easier to use for children. It has a flat bottom that allows theunit upright when not in use, larger buttons and a higher contrast, four-level grayscale display.

Each Tama-GO shows a character and a Gotchi replaceable front panel design.

Slide the character Gotchi provided in the slot at the top of Tama-go, and you'll have access to this game characters and features. Navigating the game is simple - get the three keys to scroll through menu icons on the screen. The characteristics of Tama-Go-game over 10 interactive mode and a date and timeFunction.

Eat, play, potty train

This virtual Pet is a great way for children to learn responsibility and how to care for a pet. Game to meet the needs of the character Gotchi includes many self-care activities, such as games, toys, feeding, breeding, potty, health maintenance and more. With new modes, enhanced, children and even their character to the park or shop.

Children have a direct impact on Gotchi personality and appearance,development through every stage of life, from childhood to adulthood. The handheld game takes Gotchi growth and general condition of the points that are used to provide additional features on Tama-Go or you can access. If a Gotchi grows, you can also find partners and have children of their own.

Without Gotchi

Kids love collecting these colorful TamaTown residents, because each has its own personality, characteristics, and games.
Since the Tama-Gorecognizes when you figure Gotchi changed, switching between characters is easy. After you and your Gotchi have full games, meals and trips to the park had.

Here are six hours Chamametchi Go Tama, Kuchipatchi, Mametchi, Memetchi, Ringotchi Violetch visits and there are some features


It features a boldly TamaTown and convenient for kids to tote around their Tama-go nature of handheld gaming and figureCollection. This egg-shaped case holds up to nine numbers Gotchi character. For children, this case will be convenient for the organization and transportation of collections.

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