Monday, February 25, 2013


They are just silly and they are bands... What more can you want? 1. What kind of Silly bandz do you have? 2. Are they are distraction/ are you uncool? Driving Me Crazy - Sam Adams aka Julie's Husband.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Silly Bands/ Animal Bracelet romance

best 41 seconds of your life. if you didnt understand what the heck was going on (i dont blame u), than what happened was the ostrich cheeted on the squirrel by goin out with the giraffe and so the giraffe and squirrel get into a fight and the squirrel wins and then the ostrich breaks up with the giraffe by kicking him. lol. ps songs: In My Heart - Moby Fresh Prince of Bel Air - Will Smith

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


If you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe! It really helps me out and I appreciate every one of you guys! I am going on holiday for the next 2 weeks so there won't be any vids up until then, but now that the PSN is playable I will be able to bring you guys full commentaries again. I have a 80+ kill sniping gameplay to commentate on, that will be uploaded when I'm back from holiday, so please subscribe if you would like to see that. Thanks for watching guys and have a good Christmas! Extra Tags Ignore: clubpenguin runescape radom pie pacman sherk4 wii silly bandz walmart paint papper xbox live ps4 ps3 ps2 ps1 avatar2 water ombama fred fred sux! !! prizerebel facebook hacks abcdefghijklmnop MKDan2 watch this video and see somthing funny lol how to get on machinima machinma Experience Walkthrough Gametrailers posted a Xbox 360 Dashboard Walkthrough Hacking GamerTag Suspened PayPal Free Xbox Live Generator HALO 3 General Instantly Easy 50 boosting Service free money Recon Armor PS3 Microsoft ELITE Master Chief machinima THE NEW XBOX DASHBOARD COMING END OF SEPTEMBER. DEMO BY MAJOR NELSON. Call Xbox LIVE sims 2 Dash Board came early beta version cheatsboring program software demo major nelson blog free xbox live codes everydat prizerebel rewards1 hack generated generate online google virus unblock WII E3 2008 New Xbox 360 Dashboard Walkthrough Gametrailers posted penguin a Xbox 360 points coins change Dashboard armor halo 3 skulls Walkthrough Extra Tags ...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Unboxing: DaddyIvo

Thanks to DaddIvo for helping me get these items which as far as I know, never showed up in my area.